General Terms and Conditions



To enable full understanding and acceptance of these GTC, the following terms and words, in the singular and plural, shall have the meanings indicated below:

Site / Internet Site: site/platform e-commerce at address:;

Customer: Consumer who is a natural person purchasing Items offered by the Seller on the Website for purposes unrelated to his entrepreneurial, commercial, handicraft or professional activity possibly carried out;

Business Customer: a natural or legal person acting in the exercise of his or her trade, business, craft or profession, or an intermediary thereof. In any case, a 'Business Customer' is automatically considered to be anyone who enters billing details via the dedicated "Business".

Seller: Ms Carlotta Ontani, 47032 Bertinoro (FC), Via Cellaimo n. 2299, C.F. NTNCLT80H53E289O, VAT NUMBER: 04468560406, which, in the context of these General Terms and Conditions, sells at a distance the items listed on the Internet Site.

Article: movable tangible good object of purchase, offered and put up for sale by the Seller on the Internet site;

General Terms and Conditions: this online sales contract between the Customer and the Seller;

Order: Single purchase transaction comprising one o multiple items, including costs related ancillary services, such as, but not limited to, shipping costs;

Order Confirmation: e-mail message through which the Vendor informs Customers acceptanceaction of the Order and the completion of the online purchase;

Account: area of the Internet Site where Customers can, after registration and authentication: (i) view and change their personal data and addresses where the Items ordered are to be shipped and delivered; (ii)view past orders; (iii) access any other specific functions related to their activity on the website;

Consumer Code: Dlegislative decree of 6 September 2005 no. 206.


1.1 These General Terms and Conditions govern the offer and distance selling by the Seller of the Articles on the Internet Site and may be updated periodically. The General Terms and Conditions of Sale published on the Internet Site at the time shall be considered effective and binding. of online purchasing.

1.2 The customer is heldbefore making the purchase, a read the Conditions carefully General and personal data processing information.

1.3 The purchase of Items offered on the Website presumes the reading, knowledge and acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions.

1.4 The Customer declares that he/she has 18 years or, alternatively, to act pursuant to Article 1703 of the Civil Code. representing a person with capacity to act.

1.5 Any communication concerning purchases made by the Customer on the Internet Site will be made by the Seller by e-mail or WhatsApp.

1.6 The provisions included in these General Terms and Conditions where reference is made to 'customers'. valgono also for the"Business Customers", except express exclusion.

1.7 Non will be also applicable to 'Business Customers the rules set out in Code of Consumo.


2.1 The object of the contract is the sale of the Articles indicated and offered by the Seller on the Website. Therefore, by means of these General Terms and Conditions, the Seller sells and the Customer purchases at a distance the Articles chosen by the latter from those present on the Website. The contract is concluded over the Internet, through the Customer's access to the Site Internet and placing a Purchase Order according to the procedure indicated on the Site Internet and described below.

2.2 Items for sale through thehe Internet site are described and illustrated in the relevant information sheets; however, the image accompanying each Article is for demonstration purposes only, and does not necessarily faithfully reproduce the purchased Article.

2.3 In the event of a necessary difference between the image of the Article published on the Site and the descriptive of the same, the latter shall always prevail.

2.4 If the Article is marked da diciture such as "set by "or the like, individuals assets/products that make up the set constitute a single Article and therefore cannot be sold separately.


3.1 To proceed with the purchase, the customer can create a personal account by entering e-mail and password via which will be able to access the personal area of the Website. After registering on the Website, you will receive an e-mail confirming the success of your registration. You can then proceed with the purchase.

3.2 As an alternative to the procedure described in the preceding paragraph, the customer may proceed with the purchase in "guest" modewithout creating an Account.

3.3 The Articles chosen and the data entered may be modified by the Customer until the Order is placed, which must be done according to the procedure indicated on the Website and described in point 3.4 of these General Terms and Conditions.

3.4 Selected the Article desired, the Customer may place it in the shopping cart by clicking on the "Add to Cart" button and continue browsing the site, or proceed with the purchase order by clicking on the icon in the shape of trolley top right or on the "View Cart" button, thus being redirected to the relevant page. On the "Shopping Cart" page, the Customer may view all products previously selected and placed in the shopping cart, the total price summary in the "Shopping Cart Total" section, as well as estimate shipping costs. By clicking on the "Proceed with order" button, the Customer accesses the page of "Checkout". The customer can also access the 'Checkout' page directly, without going through the 'Shopping Cart' page, by simply by clicking on the trolley icon in the top right-hand corner and clicking on the 'Payment' button in the corresponding drop-down menu. On the "Checkout" page the Customer shall complete, if not already saved, the required fields by entering the billing and shipping details in the relevant section and verify that all data entered therein, as well as the other Order details summarised in the "your order" section, are correct. At this stage, the Customer may always modify the data entered. If the Customer wish to change the quantity of the products placed in the shopping cart or remove one or more items, you will have to go back to the "Shopping Cart" page. Once you have verified the conformity of the data entered in the "Billing Details" section, as well as of the order summarised in the "your order" section, the Customer may complete the purchase by clicking on the "Place order" button, subject to acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions, of the vexatious clauses, and subject to selection of a payment method. In the event of successful completion of the purchase procedure described, as well as payment made according to the method selected, the Customer will receive an email confirming the Order placed.

3.5 The contract shall be deemed concluded when the Customer receives e-Order Confirmation e-mail. The aforementioned e-email contains the customer's data, the order number, the items purchased e respective prices with the application of any discounts, thelMethodo of payment used/chosenas well as expenses of delivery and any incidental costs/charges.


4.1 The Client undertakes to make payment including the price of the item with application of any discounts, shipping costs and any other incidental expenses, using one of the methods of payment referred to in Art. 7 of these General Terms and Conditions. If the Customer has not used an instant payment method, he undertakes to make the payment without delay and in any case within and no further 24 (twenty-four) hours from the moment of receipt of the confirmation d'Orderwithout prejudice to the provision of Article 7.3 below.

4.2 The Customer shall, prior to any purchase, read the description of the Article, these General Terms and Conditions and the data processing notice.

4.3 The Customer for the correct execution of the Order must enter truthful data concerning the Customer and not to third persons. È personal data and e-mail addresses are prohibited forgeries or the result of invention or fantasy.

4.4 Failure on the part of the Customer to comply with any of the aforementioned obligations shall result in the legal termination of the contract pursuant to Article 1456 of the Civil Code, since they are essential to the performance of the contract.


5.1 The Customer may purchase the Articles indicated on the Internet Site in the quantities existing at warehouse. Should an Order exceed the existing stock quantities, the computer system will accept the purchase limited to the available Articles.

5.2 The availability of the Products refers to the time when the Customer consults the Product description sheets and must be considered indicative as, for example due to an acquired contemporary or a malfunction, Products initially indicated as available may not be available at the time of Confirmation of theOrdine.

5.3 If the Product indicated as available turns out to be no longer available after the Order has been placed, the Seller will notify the Customer by e-mail as soon as possible that the Order cannot be fulfilled e the Customer shall be entitled to obtain reimbursement of the amounts possibly already paid. Reimbursement will be made through the same payment methods initially chosen by the customer.

5.4 If the Product indicated as available proves, after transmission of the Order, to be of non-immediate availability, the Seller will notify the Customer as soon as possible, informing the Customer of the time required for a new realisation/supply of the Product. It will be up to the Customer to notify any acceptance of the new conditions within the period of days 3 (three). In the event of non-acceptance by the Customer, the same shall be entitled to obtain reimbursement of the amounts possibly already paid. Reimbursement will be made through the same payment methods initially chosen by the customer.


6.1 The sales prices indicated on the Website and referring to each Article offered therein are expressed in Euroincluding VATif due.

6.2 Shipping costs are calculated automatically by the system in the process of Check out based on the weight and size of the selected products, as well as according to place of delivery indicated by the Customer.

6.3 The Seller reserves the right to change the price of the articles, at any time, without prior notice. In any event, the price charged to the Customer shall be the price indicated on the Website at the time the Order is placed, and no account shall be taken of any variations (upwards or downwards) following the placing of the Order.


7.1 Payment for Items purchased on the Website must be made via one of the following payment methods: Paypal, Statispay, Bank Transfer or debit/credit card.

7.2 In case of choice of PayPal, Satispay or debit/credit card which method by pagamento the Customer may beaddressed on the related platform or on your bank's website/application for complete the process ofpayment.

7.3 Alternatively, the Customer may proceed with the average paymentnte bank transfer by 24 (twenty-four) hours upon receipt of the Order Confirmation by entering the Order number stated in the Order Confirmation e-mail as the reason for the order.In any case, the Customer is made aware that in the event of payment by bank transfer all sums shall be credited to the Seller's current account no later than 3 (three) days after receipt of the Order Confirmation e-mail. Decorsor the aforementioned period of 3 (three) days without the Seller having received the credit on his account, the Seller shall be entitled to terminate this contract pursuant to and in accordance with Article 1456 of the Civil Code.


8.1 The Seller shall ship the Items purchased to the delivery address indicated by the Customer by express courier, entrusting the latter with the Items within 5 (five) working days verification of actual payment. This normally requires 5 (five) working days for delivery by express courier for items available from the time the Items are entrusted to the express courier. In any event, the Seller undertakes that, except in cases of force majeure, delivery shall take place within 30 (thirty) days after verification of actual payment.

8.2 The Seller shall not be liable for any damage resulting from the loss of or damage to goods attributable to the carrier, or from any delays in shipments caused by weather conditions, customs controls or other circumstances beyond its control or attributable to the carrier.

8.3 If the Customer has opted for collection, at his own expense, of the purchased Items, the Seller shall communicate this with the Order Confirmation e-mail and/or within 5 (five) days after verification of actual payment, the exact place where the Items may be collected and the day from which the Items will be available for collection.


9.1 The provisions of this Art. 9 do not apply to 'Business Customers' and will therefore only apply in the case of purchases by Consumer Customers.

9.2 The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase without penalty and without specifying the reason, within a period of 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which the Customer or a third party other than the carrier and designated by the Customer acquires possession fisico of the last good ordered.

9.3 The Customer who intends to exercise the right of withdrawal shall inform the Seller of its decision by an express declaration of intention to withdraw from the contract, which may be sent by registered mail A/Rat 47032 - Bertinoro (FC), Via Cellaimo n. 2299, or to the following mail address electronics: In case where notice of the exercise of the right of withdrawal is given by registered letter A/R farà postmarked.

9.4 The Customer he shall return the Items within 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which he communicated to the Seller his wish to withdraw from the contract. All expenses/costs related to the return ofthe Articles purchased will be borne by the Customer.

9.5 In that case the Items must be sent to the Seller at the following address 47032 Bertinoro (FC), Via Cellaimo n. 2299, except otherwise specified by the Seller. If withdrawal is exercised in respect of one or more products which, as indicated on the site, are sent by third parties, the Customer shall ship the product within the terms set forth in Article 9.4 to the different address communicated to him by the Seller.

9.6 The Articles must be returned undamaged, in their original packaging, complete in all their parts and with the accompanying fiscal and transport documentation. The Articles must not have been used. If the returned Items do not comply with the terms and conditions set out herein prescribed, the withdrawal will not haveà effectiveness.

9.7 Without prejudice to the right to verify compliance with the above, the Seller shall refund the payment within a period of 14 (fourteen) days from receipt of the notice of withdrawal.

9.8 The Seller as provided in Art. 56(3), of Consumer Code, may withhold the refund until it has received the goods or until the customer has proved that it has returned the goods, whichever is sooner.

9.10 The Vendor shall provide reimbursement via the same payment method used by the Customer.

9.11 In the event that the item offered for sale is characterised by the words "set of ...', or similar, Withdrawal may be exercised for the entire set and will therefore not be possible partially in order to return only some assets part of the set.


10.1 The provisions of this Art. 10 do not apply to 'Business Customers' and will therefore only apply in the case of purchases by Consumer Customers.

10.2 For the Consumer Customer, all items sold on the site are covered by the Warranty Legal Compliance provided for in Art. 128 et seq. of the Consumer Code.

10.3 Pursuant to from Consumer Code, if at the time of receipt the Articles are defective or otherwise present non-conformities with respect to the orders placed, the Consumer has the right: primarily to the restoration, free of charge, of the conformity of the goods by repair or replacement at its option with a similar Article of equal value amount, unless the remedy sought is objectively impossible or excessively onerous or, secondarily, to an appropriate reduction of the price or termination of the contract. The consumer may also request the issue of a purchase voucher in the amount of the price of the defective item previously purchased.

10.4 The Vendor shall be liable to the Consumer-Customer for any conformity defect existing at the time of delivery of the goods and manifesting itself within 2 (two) years from that time. The action for defects not fraudulently concealed by the Vendor shall be time-barred within 26 (twenty-six) months from delivery of the goods, in the case of new goods. If, on the other hand, used goods are involved, the limitation period is expressly limited to 1 (one) year after delivery.

10.5 The re-credit will be made through the payment method initially chosen by the customer.


11.1 The Vendor accepts no liability for inefficiency due to force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances in the event that it is unable to process the Order in a timely manner;

11.2 The Seller shall not be liable to the Customer for any inefficiency or malfunctioning of the Internet.

11.3 The Seller shall not be liable for damages, losses and costs incurred by the Customer as a result of non-performance of the contract due to causes not attributable to the Seller. In this case, the Customer shall be entitled to a full refund of the price paid.


12.1 Pursuant to Art. 12 of D. Lgs. 70/03, The Vendor informs the Customer that each Order sent is stored in digital/paper form on electronic devices located at the headquarters of the Seller same according to confidentiality and security criteria laid down in the sectoral regulations.


13.1 All content available on the Website, such as, but not limited to, trademarks, photos, videos, texts and Articles are the exclusive property of the Seller, who owns and expressly reserves all intellectual property rights in them.

13.2 Users are not authorised to use such content in any way whatsoever, except where otherwise specified or clearly recognisable and/or unless expressly authorised by the Seller.


14.1 The General Terms and Conditions of Sale are governed by Italian law;

14.2 It applies the Consumer Code with specific reference to regulations on distance contracts and theDecreto Legislative 9 April 2003 No 70 on certain aspects of electronic commerce.

14.3 In the case of a purchase made by a 'Consumer Customer', phe courts of the place of residence or domicile of the Customer shall have territorial jurisdiction over any dispute concerning the validity, interpretation or execution of these General Terms and Conditions.

14.4 In the case of a purchase made by a "Business Customer", pn any dispute concerning the validity, interpretation or execution of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, the territorial jurisdiction shall be exclusive is of the Court of Forlì.

14.5 Pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation 524/2013, the Customer is also informed that in the event of a dispute he/she may lodge a complaint via the European Union's ODR platform available at the following link


15.1 With regard to the processing and protection of personal data, please refer to the Information on the Data processing provided pursuant to Art. 13 GDPR 679/2016.


16.1 The Customer may contact the Seller directly for any communication and as necessary the conclusion and execution of this contract, to the following contact details:

16.2 The address referred to in the preceding paragraph has been set up by the Seller to enable the Customer to contact it quickly and effectively.

16.3 For reports or complaints concerning the service offered, the Customer may contact the Seller at the following addresses:

16.4 Complaints will be processed by the Vendor within 10 days of their receipt.